Mrs. Margherita Torres » Spanish 2 Class Expectations

Spanish 2 Class Expectations


World Language Year 1B

Classroom Expectations:

To be a successful student in World Language Year 1B you will need to:

  • Be respectful, responsible, and safe.
  • Come to class prepared every day with a writing utensil, notebook, charged Chromebook with a charger, and a positive attitude ready to learn.
  • Communicate in the target language.
  • Hand in all assignments/classwork/projects on time. If an assignment or a project is handed in late, 10 points will be deducted for each day that it is late.
  • If you are absent, please make sure to check Google Classroom. You are responsible for asking for your work and complete it with a due date agreed upon.
  • If you miss a test or quiz, you must take it the next day during study hall or the next class period.

  • Year 1B language class will continue to provide students with the fundamentals skills they will need to build proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the target language. These skills will be reinforced and there will be ample opportunity for practice in the classroom.
  • Homework - 15%
Classwork/Quizzes/Formative Assessments -35%
Summative Assessments- 50%


HOMEWORK POLICY: The World Language Department adheres to the North Haven District homework policy. 

Cell Phone Policy: Cellphones are to be off. Students place them in the phone tree upon arrival, so they are not a distraction to instruction.