Karyn Gallagher » Philosophy on Education

Philosophy on Education

My Philosophy on Education


All students should be treated with the respect, dignity, and courtesy they deserve. Each student is a unique individual with wonderful experiences, knowledge, and gifts to share. It is important to recognize the individuality of each student yet treat each student as worthwhile, equal human beings. 

In education, it is important to be open and flexible.  It is the educators responsibility to adjust the teaching style to the learning style of the student. The educator should adapt to the student's needs and not expect the student to adapt to theirs. There is more than one way to teach the same lesson, so it is important to be open and willing to try new things. 

All things should be looked on and taught in a positive manner. Admire individuals for what they can do and who they are. Always anticipate success from students and yourself. It is important to reinforce the successful approximations of the students in an effort to help develop or enhance their self-confidence. I hold the belief that a teacher should offer the students a safe, caring, and comfortable environment to learn in.