Wendy Grove » Physical Education

Physical Education


The North Haven Middle School PE Department is made up of Wendy Grove, Brent Heidenis, and Chris Barry.


Students are required to participate in three terms of Physical Education and one term of Health Education.


PE Clothing and Changing Expectations

Students are expected to change into PE clothing prior to the start of class and change back into their school clothes at the end of class.  Appropriate athletic wear is required in all PE classes.  Attire must consist of a short sleeve t-shirt, shorts that reach at least mid-thigh, and sneakers.  Please NO tank tops.  Any medical needs (inhalers, braces, epipens,etc) must be accessible if required for physical participation.


Students should be prepared for indoor or outdoor weather. Hats and jackets are allowed.



Students will participate in a variety of team and individual sports, fitness, cooperative activities, games, and problem solving activities through the course of the year.



Students are expected to participate in all PE classes unless the following occurs:

1.  A written and signed note from a parent/guardian is brought in to the nurse explaining an illness or injury.

2.  A written and signed note is brought in from a physician to the nurse and PE teacher.

Any illness or injury that restricts a student from participating in PE for more than two (2) consecutive classes requires a note from the student's PHYSICIAN.