CT Physical Fitness Assessment

Just a reminder that grades 6 and 8 will be completing the CT Physical Fitness Assessment.  This assessment should be viewed as a tool that can assist students and families in identifying areas to improve regarding fitness levels.  Scores that are 'below standard' are not meant to intimidate or embarrass students but can be used as indicators for potential futures physical risk factors related to health.
"The focus of the Third Generation of the CPFA is health-related fitness. The program mirrors options in the President’s Challenge Physical Fitness Program and other nationally recognized assessments. Changes to the assessment include improvements that address problems with specific test items and their administration, and reflect the careful research and piloting conducted by the Third Generation Connecticut Physical Fitness Assessment Committee, as well
as physical educators from across the state.
Health-related fitness focuses on optimum health and prevents the onset of diseases and problems associated with inactivity. Maintaining an appropriate level of health-related fitness
allows a person to:
• reduce the risk of disease and injury;
• work efficiently;
• participate and enjoy physical activity (sports, recreation, leisure); and
• be one’s physical best."