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Welcome to 8th Grade Math! Below you will find information pertaining to class and team expectations, homework policy, grading policy and links to Google Classroom.  Please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] with any questions. 


  •     Pre-Algebra:  In this course we will study the following units:  The Number System, Linear Relationships, Functions, Exponents, Pythagorean Theorem, Volume, Congruence and Similarity and Patterns and Data


  •     Algebra:  In this course, we will study the following units:  Linear Equations, Inequalities, Functions, Graphing Linear Equations and Inequalities, Writing Linear Equations, System of Equations, Exponents, Radicals, Pythagorean Theorem. Polynomials and Factoring
Orange Team Expectations:

Teachers on the Orange Team will:

  •     Be accessible to parents through email or phone
  •     Provide extra help as needed
  •     Foster a classroom environment of respect, responsibility and safety
  •     Communicate assignments and expectations with students and parents
  •     Notify parents if a major assignment is not handed in on the due date and allow students to submit the assignment up to two days later with points deducted 

To be a successful Orange team student you will need to: 

  •     Be Respectful: treat others as you want to be treated
  •     Be Responsible:  Come to class prepared on time to learn and participate with a charged chrome book, a pencil, and a notebook.  Follow up on missed work after an absence. 
  •     Be Safe:  If you see something, say something. Wear masks appropriately and maintain social distancing.

As a parent/guardian, you can use the following suggestions as needed: 

  •     Stay positive, use setbacks as learning experiences
  •     Encourage your children to use their chrome books and Google Classrooms to keep track of assignments and due dates
  •     Encourage your children to advocate for themselves and talk to their teachers if they have any issues or questions.   If there is, have the student email the teacher as opposed to the parent.
Grading Procedures:
  •     Grading will be based on a percentage system.  The following is the formula for calculating final averages:
  •     Homework/Graded Classwork:   15%
  •     Assessments (Unit tests, Projects, Performance Tasks):   50%
  •     Quizzes:  35%
Homework Policy:
  •     Homework will be given almost every night and is due the following class.  I do not accept late homework except in absenteeism or extenuating circumstances.  If a student is absent, he/she has until the following class(depending on the number of days missed) to make it up.  Homework will be graded for completion only.