8th Grade US History - Orange Team

Course Description:
8th Grade United States History is the exploration of the founding of our nation through the Reconstruction Period. Our course work will begin with a review of the settling of America and the Colonies, followed by the Revolutionary War, the Constitution, Westward Expansion, the Civil War and ending with the Reconstruction Period in the United States. We will cover a lot of material throughout the school year through the use of primary source documents, debate and project work.

Students are expected to come to class each day on time and prepared with necessary items including something to write with and on. Classroom expectations center around the following: RESPECT - yourself, your classmates, your environment; RAISE - your hand, your confidence, your expectations; and FOLLOW- class procedures, all directions, school policies.
As your teacher you can expect me to provide an organized and safe learning environment, to both push and encourage you, and to teach you the skills necessary to have successful educational careers.
Grading & Homework Policies:
Students will be graded based on the weighted grading system established by North Haven Middle School. Tests and projects are weighted at 50%, classwork and quizzes at 35% and homework at 15%. Students are graded individually, as they are all learning at different paces and on different levels and student work is constantly being differentiated. Students are encouraged to not compare their work to their others but to focus on doing their BEST each day. Grading will be a combination of quizzes (both announced and unannounced), tests, projects. homework and class participation.
Homework is used as a tool to either prepare you for an activity to come the next day or to reinforce that days' work. Assignments will vary from week to week, fluctuating between 1-3 assignments. Failure to complete assignments will result in a student's inability to successfully participate in the next day's activity as well as have an overall impact on quiz and test scores.
Dinner Time Discussions: each week students will be given a topic to discuss at home with parents, siblings, neighbors, coaches and friends. These topics may include both historical and current news topics and will be discussed at the end of each school week. Students can expect these to be a reoccurring, weekly homework assignment.