Student Services » Pupil Personnel & Related Services

Pupil Personnel & Related Services

Pupil Personnel:
Pupil Personnel is a department comprised of our School Psychologists and School Social Workers who provide a continuum of school-based mental health support that is available to the entire school community.
What do they do?
Services are coordinated and integrated as a multi-disciplinary model, with collaboration and multi-tiered approaches at the student and whole school level. These approaches are designed to promote social, emotional, and behavioral competence that research has proven leads to academic success for all students, and in particular those at-risk and with severe or chronic challenges.
What is a School Social Worker?
School Social Workers assist students experiencing social, emotional and behavioral difficulties in the school setting. These difficulties may be presented as poor academic achievement, lack of motivation, difficulty remaining focused on tasks and truancy.  A School Social Worker works collaboratively with teachers and other school personnel, as well as families, regarding the needs of each individual students. They can meet with students both individually and in group or whole class settings to address a range of situations involving how the students' friendships, family life, and post-graduate planning are impacting their educational performance and overall experience. A School Social Worker can also assist with connecting students and families with services in the community for ongoing support. 
What is a School Psychologist?
School Psychologists have specialized training and experience in a comprehensive range of assessment skills used to evaluate the academic and social-emotional strengths and needs of students necessary to designed specialized education plans. These plans promote growth and development to increase academic achievement in all areas of a students' life. School Psychologists serve as members of various intervention and planning teams used not only to assist individual and small groups of students but also in classrooms and whole-school level prevention practices. In addition to consultation and responsive services to parents, teachers and administrators, School Psychologists provide school-based individual and small group counseling services that assist students in developing personal responsibility and productivity.
Our Pupil Personnel:
School Psychologist School Social Worker School Social Worker
Ms. Stacy Swartz Mr. Ethan Sansolo Ms. Christi Ingram
Related Services:
North Haven is fortunate to have a variety of skilled personnel to provide related services:
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs)
Speech-Language Pathologist Speech-Language Pathologist Occupational Therapist
Ms. Tori West Ms. Jeanne Chieffalo Mr. Kyle Michaelson
For more information on Pupil Personnel (PPS) & Related Services visit our district page.