Stephanie Huelsman » Stephanie Huelsman: 8th Grade Special Education

Stephanie Huelsman: 8th Grade Special Education

Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie Huelsman and this will be my fourth year at NHMS, but I have been a special education teacher for nine years in the middle school setting. My goal is to provide support and assistance to all students so that he/she can have a positive and successful learning experience. I work with the classroom teachers to help students understand lessons taught in the classroom, encourage completion of assignments, help study for tests, and provide accommodations to aid in the learning process. Looking forward to a great year!


April Dates

Happy April!
Important Dates:
Friday April 12th is an early dismissal day for students!
Monday April 15th- Friday April 19th is Spring Break! Enjoy the week!

February Dates

Friday, February 19th is a Professional Development day for staff, NO school for students!
There is NO school on Monday, February 19th and Tuesday, February 20th due to Presidents Day!
**Look for updates regarding Parent Teacher Conferences in March!!

January Dates

*Friday, January 12th is a half day for students!
*Monday, January 15th there will be no school due to the MLK Holiday.
*Quarter 2 ends January 23rd!